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AEW Dynamite Results 3/18/20

cody rhodes aew empty arena

Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for March 18, 2020. The empty arena show featured the reveal of the Dark Order’s “Exalted One,” a six-man tag team match for the advantage at Blood & Guts, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.

AEW Dynamite Results:

– The show opened with a promo from Cody Rhodes talking about not wanting to live in fear of the global pandemic, which then pivoted quickly to a bit about needing the Elite to be Elite at Blood & Guts. Matt Jackson and Kenny Omega came to the ring, with Omega talking about how how scary the real world situation is and how there might not even be a Dynamite next week, so if they’re going to go out, he wants to go out Elite. Jackson called out Hangman Page to ask him if he had their back at Blood & Guts, and he raised his glass to them. The Elite then turned on the lights and shot off pyro to start the show.

– Tony Schiavone interviewed MJF at ringside, with MJF saying he’s not wrestling because he doesn’t have to, and that he’ll let everyone else go out and hurt themselves. He and Shawn Spears are gambling on the show.

– Brandi Rhodes handled ring announcing for the night. Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Taz were on commentary.

1. Lucha Bros. defeated Best Friends. Orange Cassidy sat in on commentary, and hit a no-hands dive onto the Lucha Bros. from the stage. The Bros won the match with a top rope double stomp/package piledriver combination. After the match, Chuck Taylor challenged the Lucha Bros. to a street fight in a literal street or parking lot.

2. Hikaru Shida defeated Penelope Ford, Riho, and Kris Statlander. Shida pinned Ford after a running knee strike.

– Colt Cabana was interviewed at ringside, and said Penelope Ford would be doing a lot better if not for Kip Sabian. Sabian took offense, and he and Cabana had a minor confrontation.

– Jon Moxley was interviewed in the parking lot about how he’s not “medically cleared” to be in the arena. Mox drove away in the Ford GT he got when he was offered a spot in the Inner Circle.

3. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy) defeated The Butcher and The Blade. No Bunny tonight. MJF paid off The Butcher and The Blade before the match, and his yelling of orders distracted them to set up a combination flapjack and cutter from Jurassic Express.

– The Dark Order came to the ring to announce the identity of the Exalted One, but were interrupted by SCU. That triggered a video revealing that Brodie Lee, aka former WWE star Luke Harper, is the Exalted One. When the video ended, Lee was in the ring, and he and the Dark Order beat down SCU. You can watch that here.

– Jake Roberts and Lance Archer were interviewed at ringside about how they’re going to get Cody Rhodes’ attention. Afterward, a video aired of Archer setting up a ring in the woods and challenging a group of locals to fight him. He knocked them all out, then chokeslammed the final guy on the hood of a car.

4. The Inner Circle (Santana, Ortiz, and Jake Hager) defeated The Elite (Cody Rhodes, Matt Jackson, and Hangman Page). Chris Jericho sat in on commentary, with Sammy Guevara singing ‘Judas.’ Page was listed as “Adam ‘Handswash’ Page” during his entrance, with his chyron reading, “social distancing since November.” At one point in the match Cody threw Ortiz into MJF at ringside, which got Cody choked by Wardlow, and Wardlow attacked by Arn Anderson. Jackson and Page went for the Young Bucks’ Indy Taker, but Page was pulled off the ring apron by Hager, and Santana rolled up Jackson to win the match. The Inner Circle will now gain the advantage in the Blood & Guts match, when and wherever that happens.

– After the match, Chris Jericho said he’s banning fans from all AEW events going forward. As Jericho was bragging about how the Inner Circle will dominate The Elite, a drone (Vanguard-1) flew into the arena. Matt Jackson revealed that Nick Jackson’s spot in Blood & Guts will be taken by the debuting Matt Hardy, who appeared in the stands.

Written by: Uproxx


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