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Growth-Stimulating Scalp Oil + How To Give Yourself a Scalp Massage

DIY Scalp Oil 4

This healthy scalp oil is loaded with essential oils and herbal extracts to add moisture and get your locks back on track. Combine it with a soothing scalp massage, and you’ll have gloriously soft strands and a flake-free scalp in no time.

The weather here in Virginia has been so finicky. One day it’s warm, the next it’s freezing, and seeing as how it’s almost spring, I don’t foresee this trend letting up any time soon. Normally, I don’t think twice about the weather, but these constant temperature swings are wreaking havoc on my hair. I’ve been seeing a ton of flakes and more shedding than usual (every woman’s dream), which means it’s high time for a homemade scalp oil.

DIY Scalp Oil Recipe

Healthy Hair + Scalp Oil Recipe

Cold, dry air combined with harsh hair products is a recipe for scalp issues. In order to tackle the flakes and get your hair back to normal, you need to start with a good scalp oil.

Some herbs and essential oils contain compounds that are known to nourish skin and improve hair health, starting at the root. While there are a lot of different botanicals to choose from, currently, I’m hooked on these for conditioning, soothing irritation, boosting moisture (buh-bye flakes), and plumping strands.

Olive oil

This commonly used cooking oil is chock full of healthy fats and anti-inflammatory compounds. Along with its many known healthful constituents, it has powerful antioxidants, polyphenols and oleuropein, which help to heal damage and protect cells [source]. When used on the hair, olive oil helps to moisturize and reduce scalp irritation [source].

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil has long been used as a natural moisturizer because it’s lightweight, odorless, and incredibly soothing. It has so many known beneficial properties, everything from fighting bacteria, to calming inflammation, to its use as a biolubricant [source]. When it comes to hair, jojoba oil is rich in nutrients that are said to help penetrate the hair cuticle and nourish hair from the outside in.

DIY Scalp oil with horsetail extract

DIY Scalp oil with horsetail extract

Horsetail extract

Horsetail extract is far and away the star of hair oils. It is rich in the mineral silica [source], which strengthens bones, skin, and hair. And it contains selenium, which is essential for hair growth. A few drops of horsetail extract mixed with essential oils can do wonders for the scalp.


Stinging nettles are actually weeds that are often picked and brewed into a tea as a way to harness their high levels of potassium, magnesium, and chlorophyll. They’re also an amazing source of fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins, AND they inhibit the growth of bacteria [source]. While you may drink nettle, you can also reap many of the same benefits by applying it to the scalp directly.


A potent antibacterial and antimicrobial, lemongrass essential oil creates an environment conducive to hair growth. In one study using a lemongrass oil tonic on the scalp, it was shown to be effective in reducing dandruff [source].


According to a 2015 study, rosemary oil was shown to be just as effective as minoxidil at treating hair loss and soothing scalp itch and irritation, when used for a six-month period [source].

Clary Sage

Clary sage is often used to reduce oil production while also treating scalp ailments such as dandruff and psoriasis. It has antimicrobial properties to help keep those pesky bacteria from causing or contributing to scalp issues [source], and it can also work to calm any inflammation and swelling of the scalp [source].

Applying a homemade scalp oil to hair

Applying a homemade scalp oil to hair

You can use this blend (recipe below) as a 15-minute hair treatment before washing, as an overnight mask, or as part of a scalp massage session if you’ve got the time. Personally, I prefer to use it in combination with a scalp massage. It’s super relaxing, sure, but because massage improves blood flow and encourages the oils to really sink into the skin, I also find that it helps my hair grow more quickly and look healthier in general.

How to Do a Scalp Massage

In addition to encouraging growth, regular scalp massage has been shown to:

  • Condition the scalp, keeping the itch and flakes at bay
  • Relax tension in the head and neck area
  • Improve mood and concentration

You only need to perform this massage for 5–10 minutes twice or three times a week to see results.

1. Apply oil to fingertips

You don’t need much oil for an effective scalp massage, and in fact, too much oil tends to get messy and difficult to wash out later. First, take off your jewelry—rings, watches, and bracelets will just be in the way or get smothered with oil.

Then, either place a few drops of oil directly onto fingertips and rub them together to evenly distribute it, or dip your fingers into a small bowl of oil and let the excess drip off.

How to make a scalp oil to stimulate hair growth

How to make a scalp oil to stimulate hair growth

2. Start at the front along the hairline

Place your fingers at the front of your scalp, where your hairline is, and gently massage in a circular motion to relieve tension and boost circulation.

3. Work your hands back and down toward the neck

Run your fingertips through the hair, slowly working your hands back and down toward the neck. Use gentle but firm pressure, and be careful not to let your fingers tangle the hair or yank on strands.

Do this for about two minutes to gently work the oil into the scalp, reapplying oil to your fingertips as needed. This is supposed to be a very slow, relaxed massage, almost like a meditation.

how to give yourself a head massage

how to give yourself a head massage

4. Focus on pressure points

There are several points on the scalp that, when pressed, can relieve pressure and encourage circulation. The most common are:

  • The top center portion of the head
  • Behind the ears
  • The base of the skull where it meets the neck

The exact point doesn’t matter so much as gently massaging the area and promoting relaxation.

Using one or both hands, apply firm pressure and slowly massage the points for about 30 seconds to a minute on each area.

Applying scalp oil to hair

Applying scalp oil to hair

5. Apply oil to the length of hair

Lastly, apply oil to the entire length of the hair to moisturize and strengthen the hair shaft. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before washing it out with a chemical free herbal shampoo.

DIY Scalp Oil 4


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Healthy Hair Scalp Oil with Horsetail and Essential Oils

This homemade scalp oil recipe with improve the health of your health, starting at the root.

Prep Time10 mins

Total Time10 mins

Yield: 4 ounces

Author: Stephanie Pollard


  • 4 oz dropper bottle


  • Add olive oil to the glass dropper bottle. Add the essential oils and nettle extract. Then fill the bottle the rest of the way with jojoba oil. Screw the lid on and shake well to combine.

    DIY Scalp Oil

  • To use, place several drops of oil on fingertips and rub your hands together to evenly distribute them. Run fingers through your hair at the scalp, starting at the front hairline and finishing at the base of the neck. Apply more oil as needed.

    DIY Scalp Oil 10

  • Store oil in the refrigerator to ensure the extracts stay fresh. Will keep indefinitely.

    DIY Scalp Oil 4



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