Like the trailer for the sixth season’s first half, the new spot relies heavily on BoJack’s narration. It opens with a quick montage of BoJack getting ready to report for his new gig as a professor at Wesleyan University, as his voiceover intones, “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. But, I look back at that other BoJack, and I think… who is that?”
As we see the new, sweater-vested, grey-haired BoJack revisiting some of his old haunts from his pre-stardom days, his narration continues, “I’ve had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath.” We then check in with some of BoJack’s friends: Mr. Peanutbutter on the set of a war movie (which also apparently features BoJack as a random corpse), Todd with his new rabbit girlfriend Maude, Diane looking… not terribly well, and Princess Carolyn with her new baby and faithful assistant Judah.
“I used to feel like my whole life was an acting job,” BoJack’s narration continues. “Doing an impression of the people I saw on television, which was just a projection of a bunch of equally screwed-up writers and actors. I felt like a Xerox of a Xerox of a person.” We then see that BoJack is talking with a mouse who appears to be his therapist; she asks, “But not anymore?” BoJack, perhaps predictably, doesn’t quite have an answer.
The spot then gives us a montage (including, briefly, what appears to be a rather harrowing dream sequence) before closing on a classic gag: BoJack is attempting to erase the words “Professor Horseman” from a dry erase board, to no avail. Taking a closer look at the marker in his hand, he deadpans, “Aaaaand that’s a Sharpie.”
Written by: Looper