
“E go pain una well well”- Yul Edochie sends strong message to hat3rs after dragging late Junior Pope

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It is worth mentioning that Yul Edochie faced criticism recently for his comments regarding the late actor Junior Pope, whom he claimed had betrayed him despite their close relationship.

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yul edochie
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Nevertheless, in a subsequent statement, he declared that he has forgiven the deceased actor and harbors no ill feelings towards him.

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Yul has since taken to social media to assert that he surpasses all his adversaries in stature, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot dim his shine.

He further stated that he is aware his actions are causing discomfort to his critics, and he intends to keep pushing forward despite their opposition.

His words …

“They can’t stand my light. The name YUL EDOCHIE is
bigger than all my enemies put
together. Una never see anything.
E go pain una well well.”

Check out post below …

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