
‘Nnayi sacrifice’ Kanayo O. Kanayo Rages as FG Bans ‘Money Rituals’ in Nollywood

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“Why I’ll never be part of money ritual” – "Nnayi Sacrifice", Kanayo O. Kanayo
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Kanayo O. Kanayo, a veteran Nollywood actor, has spoken out against the Federal Government’s ban on money rituals in films.

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He and other key individuals in Nigeria’s film business have aggressively opposed the government’s new limitations.

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FG had placed restrictions on rituals and other depictions in films, music videos, and skit content.

This came after Hannatu Musawa, Minister of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, approved the “Prohibition of Money Ritual, Ritual Killing, Tobacco, Tobacco Products, Nicotine Product Promotion, and Glamorisation Display in Movies, Musical Videos, and Skits” Regulations 2024 under Section 65 of the NFVCB Act 2004.

Kanayo criticized the policy as “arrant nonsense,” questioning Barrister Hannatu Musa Musawa’s justification for imposing such restrictions on filmmakers.

In his words, “Arrant nonsense. This minister has no work, just like lair Mohammed.”


Additionally, veteran musician Mike Okri expressed his doubts about the government’s intentions, suggesting the ban might be an attempt to undermine the film industry.

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