
Video of Nigerian church drummer seriously tapping Notcoin with toe during service trends

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A video recently surfaced on a popular social media platform, showing a Nigerian church drummer engaging in a discussion.

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drummer tapping notcoin

The drummer can be seen sitting by his drum, tapping on the Notcoin app with his toe.

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His intention is to accumulate more coins that he can later convert into real money.

The video includes a caption that reassures his musician friends that money will come. Many people expressed their concerns in the comments section after watching the video.

See some reactions below:

5sunny gold: “Wahala ti wa bayii ohhh, tapswap ti da wahala si le.”

Becky Liam: “Which stuff be this stuff.”

Sabonny_Drumlord🌹: “😂🤣🤣🤣 I can’t stop laughing.”

PSALMIST: “if this thing no drop…… blood go flow oo.”


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