
Peter Okoye and others’ noticeable absence at Rudeboy’s marriage rites to Ivy Ifeoma prompt questions from fans

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The latest clips from the marriage rites of Nigerian superstar Paul Okoye, popularly known as Rude Boy of PSquare, and his enchanting lover, Ivy Ifeoma Iboko, have taken the internet by storm.

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Paul Okoye
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Rudeboy, dressed elegantly in a white ensemble, red coral beads, and a red cap, was seen sitting beside his fiancée, Ivy Ifeoma.

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The couple, accompanied by their entourage, traveled to Ivy Ifeoma’s hometown in Igbere, Abia State, to perform the traditional marriage rites.

The release of fresh videos showing Rudeboy and Ivy Ifeoma kneeling before their kinsmen and receiving heartfelt parental blessings has generated a whirlwind of excitement among their fans, who are overjoyed for the couple.

However, amidst the joyous celebration, a notable observation has sparked a different kind of buzz.

Keen-eyed viewers were quick to notice the absence of Rudeboy’s twin brother, Peter Okoye, and their elder brother, Jude Okoye. Their absence has left many puzzled, as they try to comprehend why such close family members would be absent from Rudeboy’s significant day of matrimony.


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