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Impact of Bill Banning Child Marriage in Sierra Leone

Video Of Sierra Leones First Lady Celebrating With Countrys Women
By taking stronger measures and enforcing the existing laws, the new bill aims to provide better protection for children, especially girls.


Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Fatima Maada Bio, expressed her joy in a video following the successful passing of a bill that forbids child marriage, a cause she passionately promoted in the parliament.

On June 21, 2024, Sierra Leone achieved a significant milestone by approving a legislation to prohibit child marriage, triggered by a widespread movement led by girls nationwide and supported by Save the Children.

The recently enacted Prohibition of Child Marriage Bill 2024 aims to make it illegal to marry or form a union with a child under 18 years. It encompasses clauses to penalize perpetrators, safeguard the rights of victims, and ensure access to education and support services for young girls impacted by early marriages.

Sierra Leone currently has one of the highest rates of child marriage, early pregnancies, and maternal mortalities globally, with approximately one-third of girls getting married before 18 and another third giving birth before 19, as reported by the Ministry of Health.

Save the Children, an advocacy organization, collaborated with First Lady Fatima Maada Bio, the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, and other groups to combat child marriage in the nation.

The First Lady’s Office stated that the new bill will overcome enforcement challenges by introducing penalties for violations and involving community leaders in actively supporting its implementation.

Since the passage of the Child Marriage Prohibition Bill, First Lady Bio shared moments of celebration.


She posted a video showing her and other women singing and dancing in jubilation over the legislation.

Watch Video Below;


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