A young woman named Hailey Welch, famously known as the “Hawk Tuah Girl,” has struck gold in the bustling city of New York, pocketing an impressive $30,000 for a series of appearances at renowned locations in the city. Her rise to stardom began after an interview with Tim & Dee TV, during which she shared her unconventional intimacy advice, saying, “You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thang.”
Welch is scheduled to host a daytime event at the Memory Motel’s East Village branch, offering tickets ranging from $45 to $55. Attendees will have the chance to take photos with her and have their Memory Motel memorabilia signed.
Furthermore, she is expected to make appearances at the Ugly Duckling in Long Beach and Bull Smith’s Tavern in Smithtown, capitalizing on her newfound celebrity status.
Capitalizing on Her Popularity, Welch Generates $65,000 in Merchandise Sales
Not content with just her viral fame, Welch is also leveraging her online presence by selling her own branded products. Teaming up with Tennessee-based Fathead Threads, she is selling official “Hawk Tuah” merchandise, which has already garnered an impressive $65,000 in sales. It appears she is maximizing her time in the limelight.