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Actress Alicia Silverstone Raises Concerns Among Fans After Ingesting Potentially Toxic Fruit

Alicia Silverstone's berry bad idea: Actress eats toxic fruit and has fans freaking out

Fans of Alicia Silverstone are expressing growing concern for the actress’s well-being after she posted a video of herself unknowingly eating what is believed to be a poisonous fruit while visiting England.

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Alicia Silverstone’s Fruit-Picking Experience

The “Clueless” star shared the clip on TikTok on the evening of Monday, Aug. 20, asking her followers to help identify the mysterious berry she had picked from a garden during a walk.

In the video, Silverstone described the small red-orange fruit she found growing on a bush as something she had “just bit into” to try and identify.

“What the heck is this!? I’m in England and can’t figure it out,” she captioned the post.

She noted that she did not believe the fruit was a tomato, despite its appearance, pointing out that “it’s definitely not [a tomato] because look at these leaves.”

The actress, who is known for her vegan lifestyle, further mused, “I don’t think you’re supposed to eat this, but it’s almost like a pepper,” before taking another bite to show the seeds inside.

However, fans quickly identified the fruit as a Jerusalem cherry, a plant from the nightshade family known for its toxicity.

According to information from, the Jerusalem cherry’s fruit, despite its bright and appealing colors, is highly poisonous and can pose serious health risks if ingested.

The plant is known to affect the gastrointestinal and central nervous systems, potentially leading to severe symptoms like stomach pain, fever, diarrhea, paralysis, slowed breathing, and even delirium.

Fans Worried for Silverstone’s Well-being

Silverstone’s video prompted an immediate wave of concern from her followers, many of whom urged her to seek medical attention.

“OMG NO!! Jerusalem Cherry very poisonous in the Nightshade family. Hope you are ok,” one fan wrote.

Another added, “Can someone tag me when we know she’s OK?”

The concern escalated as the actress has not yet provided any updates since posting the video, leaving fans anxious for her safety.

As of Tuesday morning, Silverstone has not responded to the warnings from her followers, nor has she posted any follow-up on her social media platforms.

A representative for Silverstone did not immediately respond to media requests for comment.

Alicia Silverstone, widely recognized for her role in the 1995 film “Clueless,” has long been an advocate for veganism, promoting a plant-based diet through her 2009 cookbook, “The Kind Diet.”

On her website, she encourages readers to adopt healthier eating habits, claiming, “By eating this way, you will become stronger. Your immune system will work more efficiently as your body releases excess fats and toxins.”

However, her recent experience has sparked a discussion among her followers about the risks of consuming unknown plants, especially those that might be toxic.

Fans continue to anxiously await an update from the actress, hoping for news that she is safe and well.


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