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#NotBadNews: Meet Coronavirus’s Worst EnemyThe Washmen

PHOTO: Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock

Welcome to #NotBadNews, our new (and hopefully short-lived) daily column where we round up the good, surprising, and weird things that have happened around the world during this coronavirus pandemic.

Happy Monday, and for those of you whose days are starting to run together and can’t tell when one week ends and another begins, happy day 17 of quarantine! Though our current situation is far from ideal, and often incredibly scary, there continues to be beautiful (and sometimes odd) things happening around the world that help us take our mind off of it, and those are things we’re rounding up for you.

Today we found a neighborhood in LA that howls together every night (yes, howls), and an Italian man who knows how to get what he wants.

How to Have a Social Life While in Quarantine

No, we cannot go out to meet up with our friends right now (or at least shouldn’t—turn your car around and go home!), but that doesn’t mean we can’t still continue to hang-out. Various apps and websites exist that give you the chance to continue your happy hour traditions all while from the comfort of your couch.
This girl’s night out is now a girl’s night in.

If you’re looking for a reason to get out of your stained sweatpants, you now have at least one idea. And for our romantics feeling a little down-and-out, we have learned that meet-cutes do still exist in a world of social-distancing.
Nothing would stop this man from shooting his shot—so he enlisted the help of a drone.

Maybe it’s staged, maybe it’s not—either way, it made us smile, and that’s the point of this whole thing!

HBO’s New Project? Teaching Us How to Wash Our Hands

The premium channel gathered the cast of their hit-show Watchmen for an exciting new spinoff—Washmen. Our favorite characters are back in action, this time with a new nemesis: COVID-19. The solution? Soap and water.

Wow! This season looks thrilling!

Grab Your Art Supplies and Get Exploring

We’ve found a new way to explore our favorite cities and museums and, lucky for us, it helps pass the time. Introducing you to your new favorite hobby: coloring.

Explore different cities with this printable coloring book. Choose your favorite map and get coloring!

And for those missing their daily excursions, the Museum of Modern Art in New York has created coloring pages to give you a chance to “visit” their world-renowned museum.

California’s Newest Wolf Pack

The residents of Mill Valley in Southern California come together each night to do one thing: howl.

The town was inspired by the coyotes they hear nightly and decided to give it a try.

This new and, let’s be honest, odd tradition works as a way to bring the community together on a daily basis.

Beer Delivery by Shark

One Virginia brewery saw an opportunity to continue sales while breaking out their shark costume, resulting in the most bizarre but hilarious delivery we’ve seen.

Beer Delivering Shark

Let us bring you a little AWESOMENESS to help you get through the covid-19. Thank you to Nathaniel Davis for the music and Kristi Odom for the video!

Posted by Old Ox Brewery on Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Craving a local beer and local music (and a board game, which can be added to your order)? Old Ox Brewery has got you covered, with a shark delivery followed by a serenade. Last we heard, Postmates wasn’t doing that.

Italy’s Most Innovative Man

While many grocery stores are extending hours for the elderly and immuno-compromised, some of those individuals still are unable to take themselves to the shops. One man in Italy had a genius idea: call the people who vowed to protect and serve.

When the police arrived at the scene they found was an elderly man who simply needed help running his errands, and so they did just that. The man’s ingenuity is impressive, and the police officer’s commitment to helping is heart-warming.

Check-in every day for an update on the wonderful and weird things happening in our current coronavirus world.

Written by: Fodor


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