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From Evangelism to Revelation: My Journey to an Italian Church Where Choir Members and Workers Were Prostitutes — Pastor Emmanuel

How Evangelism Led Me To Italian Church Where Choir Church (via Primetweets)


Pastor Olumide Emmanuel, who established Calvary Bible Church, speaks about his evangelistic journey to an Italian church known for its congregation of commercial sex workers.

With 35 years in ministry, he addresses topics like prosperity preaching, the importance of tithing, and the civic responsibilities of citizens. Below are some key excerpts:

You mentioned that you choose not to travel to certain countries. Can you explain?

In 2001, I began a worldwide evangelism tour across Europe, which included countries like France and Italy. While in Verona, I recognized that prostitution was a significant problem there. It became apparent during my sermons, especially when people sought help from sexually transmitted diseases, revealing their lives entwined with sexual immorality. Many claimed an inability to escape their circumstances due to contracts resembling covenants, prompting my confusion about how one could identify as a Christian while engaging in such practices.

This conflict grew when I addressed a large congregation in Italy, which boasted a remarkable choir. Following my call for repentance, an unexpected number from the choir, including ministers, came forth declaring their need for salvation despite leading lives compromised by prostitution. This revelation shook me, making me reflect deeply on not just their choices but the church’s understanding of grace. Faced with such realities, I felt disheartened about pursuing evangelism in that region.

You’ve been called a motivational speaker and have authored many books. What fuels your creativity and drive?

I’ve penned over 100 books, and my inspiration stems from a divine source. I believe that no one can achieve greatness without God’s support. Although many see me as hard-working, my efforts are aligned with my purpose. When engaged in tasks that ignite my passion, I can work tirelessly. It’s akin to how fish swim effortlessly and birds fly without struggle; being in one’s purpose unlocks abundant inspiration and grace.

How did you begin your journey in ministry?

During my school days, we had weekly fasting and prayer services. One day, I distinctly heard a voice urging me to delve deeper into God’s word to teach others. At the time, I didn’t recognize it as a calling, but it became clear later on. This moment sparked my desire to explore scripture deeply, resulting in a natural expansion of my understanding. Sharing insights with others led to various evangelistic efforts, and by 21, I began my pastoral journey, ultimately founding Calvary Bible Church.

Critics label you a ‘prosperity cleric.’ How do you respond?

Everyone has their opinions, but I reject the label of a prosperity preacher. Instead, I consider myself an advocate for economic empowerment. My teachings focus on enabling individuals to create value, solve problems, and meet needs, not materialistic greed, which many associate with prosperity preaching.

Is there a connection between the spiritual and physical realms? Which holds more influence?

The spiritual realm indeed guides the physical realm. Events in the spiritual realm precede their manifestations in the physical. To navigate life’s challenges, one must comprehend spiritual truths. Today, we witness many disillusioned by political and economic strife, straying from biblical teachings, leaving persecution and discontent. My advice is to look towards God as the ultimate provider rather than human structures, for true dependency on God leads to breakthroughs despite hardship.

In summary, I urge believers to remain authentic in their faith. Christianity is more than a set of rituals; it’s a heartfelt relationship with God. Approaching it as a mere religion can lead to manipulation and a shallow faith. Authentic Christian living is a safeguard against becoming a victim of deceitful practices.


Becoming a True Example of Change

As Christians, it’s essential to embody the transformation we wish to see in the world. If you desire change, it starts with you; inaction means complicity with the problem. I’m eager for individuals to join the upcoming leadership conference scheduled for October 31st and November 1st at the Marriott Hotel, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos.

Thoughts on Recent Tithing Discussions

Regarding tithing, I hold my beliefs firmly rooted in what the Bible articulates. As a Christian pastor, I believe the variation in perspectives on biblical doctrines stems from individuals injecting their interpretations into the scriptures. Personally, I refrain from offering a personal stance on tithes. My belief is straightforward: everything we possess ultimately belongs to God, meaning the entirety of our income—100 percent—is His. While many offer contributions, only a select few comply fully with God’s expectations.

It’s crucial to seek God’s specific instructions rather than relying solely on general guidance from pastors. Following broad directives might yield basic blessings. If you recognize God as the source of all you have and understand that everything you’ve received belongs to Him, your giving—be it 10, 20, 30, or even 100 percent—should be a sincere expression of gratitude and worship. Limiting oneself to a mere 10 percent contradicts the richer biblical teaching. For me, all that I possess belongs to God.


Source: Vanguard



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