The show “Yellowstone” revolves around ranch life, and while you’d expect a focus on traditional attire, Kelly Reilly’s character, Beth Dutton, sports a range of striking and audacious outfits. Despite the rugged environment populated by the male characters, Reilly’s costumes showcase a mix of toughness, fun, allure, and a bit of daring flair. Her unique style has become a signature aspect of the series, surprising audiences with its boldness.
Behind the scenes, the show’s costumer, Johnetta Boone, has elaborated on Beth’s wardrobe. She emphasizes that while Beth is sophisticated and worldly, she is also deeply rooted in her Montana origins. Boone mentions that Beth often wears softer styles when with Rip but contrasts that with her assertive business outfits reflective of European influences. The styles continued to evolve, with Season 5 introducing even bolder looks that further highlighted Reilly’s portrayal of the character, capturing both strength and sensuality.
Stunning Ivory White Dress
Among her standout looks is the elegant ivory white dress Beth wore during a significant auction scene in Season 5. The dress balanced style and sophistication, with its delicate straps and fitted silhouette perfectly complementing Beth’s resilient character. This ensemble was especially effective in portraying her upscale fashion sense alongside her rugged surroundings, making a striking impression in the episode “Give The World Away.”
The dress, identified as the Jenny Kane Rove Dress, is celebrated for its airy design that harmonizes with Beth’s fashionable yet grounded persona. The label’s belief that “classics are forever” perfectly aligns with Reilly’s portrayal of the character, making this outfit a timeless testament to style in the tough world of “Yellowstone.”
Bold Gold Chainmail Mini Dress
In Season 4, Reilly stunned viewers with a daring gold chainmail mini dress during the finale episode “Grass on the Streets and Weeds on the Rooftops.” With its eye-catching design featuring a plunging neckline and a sultry fit, this outfit showcased Beth’s glamorous past, contrasting sharply with her current rugged lifestyle on the ranch.
The dress is a Zuri model by Fannie Schiavoni, which may be hard to find, possibly thanks to its popularity among fans of Beth Dutton’s style. It would certainly be a remarkable sight to see Reilly wearing this bold piece outside of the show.
Classic Cowboy Ruffle Top
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