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Homey Women.

Homey Women.

Submitted by: Addis.K

Am from Ethiopia, East Africa

Stayed at home with my baby.

Once I graduated from University, I traveled to the U.A.E. and worked for almost 5 years in Dubai city as a logistics coordinator, assistant manager and then an  Import and Export Manager. Then I went back to my home country to get married and have a baby because I felt that I was getting old.

I went back to Ethiopia, got married and started a new life.  I got pregnant but due to complications, I had a c-section when I was 8 months pregnant. My boy was only 1.5 kg so I decided to take care of my baby by staying at home.

I did not have any servants or help. Staying at home all day with no one to talk to made me so lonely and helpless. I was crying daily and hated my life. I told my husband that I will have a good job like before and he will respect me.

One day I shared my life with my sister. She gave me The Secret Daily Teachings and she advised me to read it every single day, at least one page. I started to read about the law of attraction and I felt like that book was written for me! If I attract negative thoughts than negative things happen in my life. If I attract positive thoughts than positive things happen. I was a negative thinker because staying at home with a baby without help and not being able to talk to someone or share what you feel, is not easy. It was very stressful. But once I start reading The Secret Daily Teachings everything in my life started changing.

I started to say to myself I have got a job, then I got a job! One of my desires happened! I promised myself to make a good relationship with my husband and again, it happened. The third desire was that my job area manager was abusing me so I wanted another job. It happened within a month of ‘asking’ and I got a 100% increase in my salary from my previous job!

Thank you very much for The Secret Daily Teachings book, it helped me a lot and changed my life completely.


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