Before really knowing about The Secret and the law of attraction, and The Magic, I had already been using it since I was a child. Before I would go to sleep, I would always close my eyes and see myself doing things that I wanted to do. I always used to think that I could do everything that I wanted to do and then it would always happen.
I did not know about the law of attraction of The Secret until my friend showed The Secret to me while I was going through some rough times in my life. While I was reading the book, after every chapter I would think, oh yes, this is what I used to do all the time! Everything that was written in the book was like reading my own mind. The book looked so familiar to my way of thinking. It was like I was remembering it.
After reading The Secret and The Magic I learned how to use the law of attraction properly and on purpose so that I could get anything that I wanted. So for about 6 months I would visualize and write down every detail about everything that I would like to have for myself and my family.
Then almost 6 months later, my father got the business that he wanted and our finances increased miraculously. We no longer had any debt, and we got new cars. We are now renovating our home and we just bought another new house new too! I even went on a trip!
I also got the boyfriend I wanted. He was just as I had imagined and had written down in my book. But the thing was, while I was writing down the things I wanted in a boyfriend, I would always somehow think he would just be my boyfriend. I never was thinking about him being my life partner or my husband. And so through the law of attraction that was what happened. I got a boyfriend who was just how I wanted him to be. But we couldn’t get married due to some issues. And now I know why that happened. Because I kept feeling like he would not be the one.
So then, from the bottom of my heart, I wrote down that I would get a boyfriend and husband who was just how I wanted him to be.
And guess what?! I got him in just a few months! He is everything I wanted him to be and we met just how I had imagined. We are both so serious about each other and we are thinking of getting married in 2024 in December with all the love and blessings of our families!
So just trust that the Universe really works for you and then what you want to be true will be true. Your thoughts and feelings come true each and every time.
I am now so happy and satisfied with my life. I have the love of my life with me, my family’s business is going great, I have great friends and I have cleared my exams with top rank too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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