
Wait And Have Faith In The Universe!! – My Story

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Thank you so much to Rhonda Byrne for your immense support and for your sharing of The Secret with all of us, all around the world.

I was going through many things. I had lost my maternal grandfather, my paternal grandmother, and my cousin all within 3 years. It was really hard for me to stay positive. I prayed for help from the Universe and I passed my semesters with flying grades.

I was going through ups and downs in my relationship. But every time it got tough we ended up staying together. I am really blessed to have him and the unconditional support of the Universe.

I manifested beautiful and long hair too and I love my hair. I manifested good health for my sister and mom as they were suffering from depression because of the many things that were going on in my family.

I feel I am really blessed to have the Universe and The Secret with me. Thank you so much for Hero, too. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

Submitted by: Unanimous


I am currently in college in India. I am a reader. This year I will be completing my graduation.

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