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in Buzz, Nigeria, Primetweets, Viral GossipPeruzzi Dares Wizkid To Call Him A ‘Pant Washer’ To His Face
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in Viral GossipPeruzzi challenges Wizkid to call him a ‘pant washer’ to one-on-one
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in Viral Gossip“Rat dey talk”- Reactions trails Wizkid’s boy Godson’s post about Peruzzi
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in Viral GossipLizard Don Mad Again – Peruzzi blasts Wizkid For Shading Davido
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in Viral GossipPeruzzi reveals that he gets used clothes as payment for writing Davido’s songs
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in Buzz, Nigeria, Primetweets, Viral GossipCheck Out The 10 Most Successful Nigerian Record Labels Of All Time
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in Buzz, Nigeria, Primetweets, Viral GossipI Wrote ‘Unavailable’ And ‘Risky’ For Davido – Peruzzi Reveals (Video)
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