
Man, Totally Broken as He Discovers That Reverend Father Who Introduced Him to His Wife Was her Boyfriend

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A man was left with conflicting feelings after learning that his wife had an affair with the reverend father who introduced him to her.

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The story was told by the man’s brother, who shared it with a Twitter influencer.

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According to his account, the reverend father dated and had an affair with the man’s wife while she was still unmarried.

However, when the man was looking for a wife, he presented her to him and set them up for marriage.

The man subsequently found out, and the knowledge made him feel exploited.

The narrative went …

“My brother is having issues with his wife now because he discovered that the Rev Father that introduced him to his wife was actually dating & sleeping with her before they got married so the Rev Father used my brother as settlement to his secret girlfriend who is now my senior brothers wife.

She’s begging my brother now that it was her past that he should forgive her that she has been faithful to him since they married. My brother is so hurt now he feels like he was used.”

See post …

man (via Primetweets)
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