4 New Hints About the Top-Secret Third Season of Stranger Things

Right now, the third season of Stranger Things is a big, fat question mark. That's because, as we learned at this year's panel and red carpet as part of PaleyFest, the cast hasn't even seen a single new script. And when it comes to details from the creators themselves, we don't have much to go off of. Sure, we have sparse details about new characters, the return of the Mind Flayer, and another appearance by Eleven's sister, Kali. Beyond that, though, we may as well be wandering around in the Upside Down . . . with a blindfold on.

Luckily, we were able to get a few vague hints on the PaleyFest red carpet! We spoke to Natalia Dyer (Nancy) and Sadie Sink (Max) about the action moving forward. Here's what we were able to get out of the tight-lipped stars.

1. All Might Not Be Well With Nancy and Jonathan

In season two, Nancy and Jonathan finally kiss as they try to figure out some of the deep, dark secrets that are tucked into the corners of Hawkins, IN. But what's in store for the lovebirds as we continue on? "You can tell, with their relationship, their little push-pull, there's a tension there," Dyer teased. "Like, they probably fight a lot." So, it sounds like they may continue to explore what they've been building this whole time. But it won't be a dandy little walk in the park. And we can't help but wonder how Steve might figure in here as well.

2. We're Leaping Forward!

When talking about Nancy and Jonathan, Dyer seemed to allude to the fact that a large chunk of time passes between season two and season three. "I don't know where they'll be, since it'll be some time later since we've seen them," she said. "So who knows what's happened after what we've left them with?" Executive producer Shawn Levy confirmed this information and did us one better. He said the new season takes place in the Summer of 1985, a little under one year after season two.

Stranger Things

3. Nancy May Uncover Another Mysterious Conspiracy

Now that the Nancy has more or less resolved her lingering guilt and sadness over Barb's death, it seems she'll be moving on. But what, exactly, will she be up to? "I mean, I hope she continues kind of on this path . . . there's something in Hawkins there that I think she needs to figure out," Dyer said. "There's still more there that feels wrong and off, and I don't think you can ever really fix that. I feel like there's something bigger for her to figure out, and I don't know what that is, but I hope she finds it." As for whether the powers that be in Hawkins will be cool with more of Nancy's sleuthing? That one's to be determined, but something tells me they won't be thrilled.

4. We Could Get a Bit More Background on Max and Billy

And what about Max and Billy, the mysterious season two newcomers who don't have much of a backstory? If you ask Sadie Sink, it may be worth it to focus on their past. "I want to dig deeper into what exactly happened with her parents. And why exactly are her dad and her brother so mean? . . . There's almost no explanation of why they're in Hawkins. I want to see more about the background and why they are how they are." Billy and Max could definitely be more connected to Hawkins (and the Upside Down) than we think.

The only thing we know 100 percent for sure? We need Stranger Things to be back now.