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Celebs Are Bored: Stanley Tucci Makes a Damn Sexy Negroni

The Oscar-nominated actor shakes his Milanese classic with aplomb

As much of America continues to self-quarantine, the propensity to go stir crazy increases with each passing day. Celebrities are no different: bored out of their minds while sitting at home indefinitely. Maybe they are ceaselessly launching Instagram Lives just for some human connection. Maybe they’re teasing us with some quarantine writing session. Most likely, they’re sitting in their very large homes, marathoning movies until their eyes glaze over. Relatable! Celebs Are Bored highlights the absurd, inane and mundane decisions made by people who have an unexpectedly large amount of free time.

Stanley Tucci is a man of many talents: He’s flexible enough to camp it up in the Hunger Games, be a GBF in The Devil Wears Prada, and show off his hospitality chops in the exquisite Big Night (which he not only acted in but was also the co-director and co-screenwriter).

But give Tucci a cocktail shaker and look at the man soar!

In the Instagram video, Tucci agrees to make his wife, literary agent Felicity Blunt (and sister of actor Emily Blunt), his version of a negroni. The Oscar-nominated actor and cookbook author starts with gin — but agrees that one could use vodka — followed by a shot of sweet vermouth (“You don’t want to use Martini,” he says, with a sour face. “You don’t want to use that.”) and tossing in a single shot of Campari. “A ubiquitous Milanese cocktail,” he assures. Then he gets to shaking (although cocktail purists will tell you that’s a definite no-no), showing off those biceps (and triceps). Sophistication? Forever. Swap in a martini glass if you don’t have a coupe handy — just remember to garnish with a slice of orange.

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