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Where to See the World’s 10 Weirdest Animals

Welcome to the jungle.

The animal kingdom has some very strange citizens and when it comes to the strangest fauna the planet Earth has to offer, seeing is believing. Indeed, history books are full of stories about people hearing the description of an animal and saying, “Certainly not!” When the first sketches of the platypus reached 18th-century England, people assumed this egg-laying mammal with a duck’s bill and a beaver’s tail was surely a hoax. Maybe the platypus is some kind of evolutionary joke courtesy of Mother Nature, but its existence is no hoax.



No doubt similar feelings of disbelief have been uttered about lizards shooting blood from their eyes and fish that excrete the sands of the world’s most beautiful beaches. But why rely on stories when you can always see for yourself? Read on for where to find the world’s 10 weirdest animals.

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Purple Frog

WHERE: India

It’s incredible that the newly discovered purple frog is an animal at all. It looks more like a pus-filled growth or a viscous clot of mud. It looks like the first draft of the saddest Pokémon. Incidentally, all these gross things are what makes this unusual amphibian … pretty adorable? Having evolved to live underground, with its purple skin and tiny, blue-rimmed eyes, the purple frog is sort of the terrestrial answer to the gray, eyeless creatures that live on the bottom of the ocean.

Since these frogs were only discovered in 2017, they’re definitely tricky to track down. Your best bet is to visit the Western Ghants mountain range during monsoon season, which coincides with the purple frog’s mating season.

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WHERE: The Indo-Pacific

If you’ve ever sunk your toes into the soft, white sands of a Hawaiian beach (or pretty much any tropical beach) you have the parrotfish to thank. More specifically, you have the parrotfish’s excrement to thank. This particular fish’s diet is made up of algae found in coral reefs. Using its beak, it grinds and eats chunks of coral to get at that sweet, sweet algae center. The undigested ground-up coral is then excreted in the form of fine, white sand.

Parrotfish can be found in just about any tropical waters but are most abundant in the Indo-Pacific. If you decide to go snorkeling in parrotfish-friendly waters, you’ve got a decent shot at seeing the beach-making magic in action, given that a single parrotfish can excrete over 800 pounds of sand a year.

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Alpine Ibex

WHERE: Mountainous regions of Europe, North Central Asia, and Northern Africa

Alpine ibex doesn’t have the relationship with gravity that rest of us do. Even compared to other species goats, the Alpine ibex has an uncanny ability to climb near-to-practically vertical surfaces. They can stroll up the side of the dam at Lake Cingino just to lick the salty stones without breaking a sweat. Putting together a team for high stakes heist? These guys would totally be your secret weapon for scaling the exterior of a bank/casino/art museum.

At one point, the Alpine ibex was nearly hunted to extinction and could only be found in the Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy. Now, they can be found scaling the steep terrain in rocky regions throughout Europe, North Central Asia, and Northern Africa.

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Mantis Shrimp

WHERE: The Indo-Pacific

A mantis shrimp may not look like much. Though some varieties are rather striking thanks to their vibrant colors, it’s still a shrimp. And yet this “sea locust” packs quite a punch. Literally. Much like a mighty and supreme witch, the mantis shrimp is filled with a deceptively deep well of power. Its claws strike at 51 miles per hour and, because of how fast they move, create something called cavitation bubbles. When the bubbles collapse, the force that’s generated results in mantis shrimp’s prey effectively being hit twice—once by the physical claw, and again by the subsequent shockwave.

Mantis shrimp are found in many shallow tropical and sub-tropical waters and like to stay tucked away from sight. But if you’re snorkeling or diving and see one of these guys, be careful! They didn’t get the nickname of “thumb splitters” for nothing!

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Maned Wolf

WHERE: South America

The maned wolf is confusing. It looks like a fox that’s also a wolf on stilts. Turns out, it’s not any of those things. Because while the maned wolf is part of the canine family, it’s in a category all on its own. Specifically, the genus of Chrysocyonor “golden dog.” Whatever the case may be, their legs are disproportionately long. I want to pet them and yet I distrust how long their legs are.

These creatures can be found galloping on their tall legs across the grasslands of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru.

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Horned lizard

WHERE: Arid environments throughout North and Central America

Imagine you’re getting ready to chow down, only for projectile fonts of blood to start shooting out of your food. Not only are you going to be too confused in that moment to process what’s just happened, you’re unlikely to choose that particular lunch in the future. Now you know why the horned lizard’s defense mechanism of shooting blood from its eyes has turned out to be a pretty effective deterrent for its predators. It’s simple, it’s elegant, and it’s upsetting on the most primitive levels.

Unfortunately, gushing blood from their eyes has not stopped the encroachment on the horned lizard’s habitat, causing their populations to drop. But they tend to be found in deserts and arid regions as far north as Canada and as far south as Guatemala.

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Pacu Fish

WHERE: South America

I think we can all agree that only humans should be out here having human teeth. The pacu, however, flies in the face of this. Because contained in its face are extremely humanoid pearly whites. This is somehow way more disturbing than the pointy teeth of their aquatic cousin, the piranha. At least a piranha’s chompers are scary on a more simple level, whereas the pacu’s unsettlingly familiar teeth prove to be a threat of the more existential variety.

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WHERE: Mexico

If the purple frog is like the first draft of a Pokémon, then the axolotl is like a Pokémon in its final form. It’s actually astounding that something this cute exists in real life. They’ve got those little eyes and their mouths always look like they’re smiling, plus they’ve got frills to frame their adorable faces. Axolotls are also neotenous, as they retain the juvenile trait of gills throughout adulthood, so it’s also kind of like all axolotls are permanently babies. Imagine if a dog was always a puppy—outrageously cute.

Axolotl are famously only found in the lake complex of Xochimilco near Mexico City, though drought and contamination have caused their population to decline.

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WHERE: Australia

Lyrebirds are so named because of the lyre-shaped tail of the male of the species. But a more appropriate name for these ground-dwelling birds would be liarbirds. These world-class liars are not only able to mimic the songs of other birds, but they can recreate the sounds of everything from car alarms and chainsaws to lasers and even humans. They’re without a doubt the Michael Winslows of the bird world, an auspicious distinction indeed.

Lyrebirds can be found in the wild throughout much of eastern Australia, but you’re likely to have particularly good luck on Wollumbin National Park’s Lyrebird track.



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Ocean Sunfish

WHERE: Tropical and Temperate Oceans

Whereas most unusual animals only have one noteworthy trait to base its name on, this one has several. It has gray, tough skin which earned it its official Latin name. It’s round, flat body prompted a Chinese name which translates to “toppled wheel fish.” And thanks to the fact that it’s more head than actual body, the Germans have called it “swimming head” while the Swedish refer to it as “head alone.” But the ocean sunfish gets its English name because it’s often spotted on its side at the ocean’s surface, basking in the sun … which is possibly the least strange thing about this massive creature.

But perhaps it wouldn’t look so odd if the face to body ratio wasn’t so off. Despite its giant size, its mouth is relatively small and unable to fully close, thus its face is eternally petrified in a look of surprise.

Because of their sunbathing behavior, sunfish can be found throughout the world’s tropical and temperate waters. You have a good chance of diving with sunfish in the Alboran Sea of Spain, right where the Atlantic and the Mediterranean meet.

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