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Chris and Cristina Cuomo’s son Mario has coronavirus, too

Chris and Christina Cuomo in 2013.
Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images
Chris and Christina Cuomo in 2013.

First CNN anchor Chris Cuomo caught coronavirus, then it spread to his wife, Cristina. Now, their 14-year-old son Mario has been infected as well.

Cristina Cuomo broke the news on her Instagram Wednesday afternoon, writing that she’s taking care of him while trying to handle her own illness, too.

“This virus does not discriminate. While kids are more resilient, they can suffer the same severity of symptoms. I’m applying a modified version of my remedies for his protocol with a focus on lots of vitamins,” she wrote.

As the Cuomo family demonstrates, it can be very difficult for COVID-19 to infect one member of a household without it spreading to others. Chris noted that fact on his CNN show last week, when he announced that Cristina had the virus.

“It’s very rare for a family to be one and done,” he said.

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