Tyler The Creator Reacted To His Rap Album Grammy Win With The Ultimate Petty Twitter Moment

Tyler The Creator hit an ultimate milestone tonight — he won his first Grammy. Apparently, the Odd Future ringleader has been counting down the days — and even years — for this moment, holding onto the discouraging words from a former hater as inspiration to keep honing his craft. Tonight, after his win, Tyler finally dug up that old discouraging word and let the guy who wrote it know that he has officially proved him wrong:

While this might be the most petty thing to ever occur on Twitter, nine years has changed how this man feels about Tyler, too:

That’s a pretty cordial response from a man who is going to wake up to his mentions in shambles:

Either way, I’m very happy for Tyler, who rightly acknowledged that being shoved into the rap category for an album as rich and layered as Igor was a bit of a backhanded compliment. Still, as one of the most influential and important members of a new guard in hip-hop, it’s equally important that Tyler get due credit for the art he creates. He might’ve even deserved a bigger award this year for Igor, as our own Aaron Williams argued, but clearly, Tyler is just getting started. His pettiness deserves an award, too.