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Navigating Challenges with Imposter Syndrome after Accomplishments

After Every Achievement I Always Have A Sense Of Emptiness

Bisi Alimi

Bisi Alimi, a well-known advocate for LGBTQ rights in Nigeria, recently shared his experience dealing with imposter syndrome.

He received an award at the Attitude Magazine Award event but revealed that he struggled with feelings of inadequacy and being a fraud.

Alimi expressed gratitude towards his partner for providing support and grounding him during such moments.

After each accomplishment, he finds himself battling feelings of emptiness and defeat.

Reflecting on his emotions, he shared, “Imposter syndrome 0 vs Bisi Alimi 1

“As the @attitudemag awards event approached, I found myself grappling with imposter syndrome.

“The concept of ‘success downer’ resonated with me as I often struggle with it.

“Following every achievement, I am left with a sense of void and defeat that I wanted to overcome this time.

“Throughout the day, I reminded myself of ten reasons why I deserved the award, its significance to me, and why I should savor the moment.

“I chose not to prepare a speech as I feared coming off as insincere, but I am appreciative of my partner for keeping me grounded, even unaware of my struggles.

“How do you manage imposter syndrome during crucial life events?”

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