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From Brain Surgery to Warehouse Wonders: One Woman’s Surprising Career Shift

Woman Explains Why She Ditched Her Career As A Brain (via Primetweets)

Why a Former Assistant Brain Surgeon Chose a Job at Amazon

Helen Xu, 31, once an assistant brain surgeon earning a six-figure salary, has shared her reasons for leaving the demanding medical field to work at an Amazon warehouse.

Based in Brisbane, Xu began her surgical career in 2018 at a Queensland hospital, as reported by Daily Mail Australia.

However, the arrival of Covid in 2020 drastically changed her work environment. She found herself working nearly every day, often enduring grueling shifts that could last up to 30 hours.

Since Xu did not have children or elderly family members at home, she became one of the medical staff leaned upon to cover extra shifts. This relentless pace left her exhausted and prevented her from enjoying quality time with loved ones, leading to her departure from the medical field in September 2021. She opted to take a job at Amazon, where her responsibilities included stocking shelves.

Reflecting on her last months in the hospital, she admitted, “For the last couple of months working in the hospital I just wasn’t sure when I’d get enough rest.”

She explained that during the pandemic, the hospital’s exceptional circumstances meant she was available for work every day, feeling the burden to help. “There was a lot of pressure on those who didn’t have kids or elderly people at home to come in,” she noted, adding that she avoided socializing to keep her friends and family safe from potential illness.

Working conditions were intense, with Xu often receiving last-minute calls to work, sometimes with just a few hours off between shifts.

In her new role at Amazon, Xu handles order preparation, box loading, and shelf stocking. Despite earning more as a surgeon, she appreciates her current job for the flexibility it offers.

She expressed, “I guess when you look at medicine, the pay is on the higher end… but in terms of how much time I have for myself, it works out.”

Xu remarked that her current position is completely different from the stressful atmosphere of the hospital. She has no immediate intentions of returning to her surgical career.


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