Acclaimed director Kevin Smith, known for iconic films such as Clerks and Mallrats, is exploring a new storytelling avenue with his upcoming series, Local Heroes, on NBC. This show is inspired by his own comic book store, Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash, and will intertwine his passion for comics with a compelling murder mystery theme.
The story takes place in a comic book store within a small town, where a quirky group of regular customers collaborates to solve local mysteries. Smith is not only the writer but also an executive producer on the project, working alongside 30 Rock graduates Josh Siegal and Dylan Morgan. The series is being developed by Universal Television and aims to combine the charm of NBC’s ensemble workplace comedies with a fun, genre-based mystery twist.
Producers Sean Hayes and Todd Milliner from Hazy Mills, along with Jordan Cerf, are also onboard. Jim Donnelly, VP of comedy development at Universal TV, shared his enthusiasm for the project:
“Kevin Smith is a hero of mine and has his finger on the pulse of the genre world. This murder mystery show in a comic book store really fits into NBC’s single-camera workplace, large-ensemble shows.”
Smith’s deep roots in comic culture include decades of ownership of Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash and his previous production of the reality series Comic Book Men for AMC. Viewers can look forward to a show filled with witty dialogue, nostalgic comic references, and genuine friendships.
Universal’s Comedy Highlights:
The introduction of Local Heroes is part of Universal’s growing success in comedy, highlighted by their Emmy-winning series Hacks. Other significant projects in the works include A Man on the Inside, St. Denis Medical, and the much-anticipated Laid, featuring Stephanie Hsu. Universal continues to focus on uplifting and heartwarming stories, which aligns perfectly with Smith’s distinctive, quirky storytelling style.
Kicking off a mix of murder mystery and comic book elements, Local Heroes seems tailored for fans of Smith’s humor and emotional narratives. As his loyal followers look forward to this new series, it’s evident that Local Heroes is set to introduce something special to NBC’s comedy line-up.
My Thoughts: As a longtime fan of Kevin Smith’s work, Local Heroes appears to be a natural addition to his body of work. His knack for merging humor, emotion, and geek culture suggests that the show will resonate with fans of both comic books and mystery stories. The idea of a quirky group tackling crimes in a comic book setting feels innovative and invigorating, especially under Smith’s creative guidance. I’m particularly eager to see how his trademark dialogue and pop culture references will fit within the murder mystery framework. Perhaps this success could even lead to the long-awaited sequel to Mallrats!
What are your thoughts on the idea behind Local Heroes? Do you think a comic book store setting can revitalize the murder mystery genre?