Theatrical producers can make a musical out of almost anything. There was a Spider-Man musical on Broadway for a while, and the most popular thing on the stage in ages is Hamilton, the story of the founding of the United States as told through hip-hop. One of the longest running Broadway shows of all time is Cats, a loosely connected string of vignettes starring people writhing around in cat costumes. And when it comes to weird animal suits and head-scratching weirdness, you could say that Cats is a predecessor for the stage musical version of Tom and Jerry.
Spanish stage director Leandro Panetta put the whole thing together for a run in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2011, based on the Tom and Jerry cartoons “The Two Mouseketeers” and “The Cat Above and the Mouse Below,” and he also included a re-creation of Jerry’s dance with Gene Kelly from Anchors Aweigh. According to a synopsis translated from Spanish (from Cartoon Brew, via The Mary Sue), Tom and Jerry engage in “songs, chases, jokes, games, and stunts” and “travel from opera to medieval times, then run and chase from the living room into the garden.” Well, okay then.
Written by: Looper