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Marvel Confirms 2 Major Characters Will Return in “Echo”

Nothing could have prepared us for everything that was announced at the D23 Expo. The convention, which took place in Anaheim, CA, from Sept. 9 to Sept. 11, was packed with so many exciting Marvel presentations. Fans who attended the event got an exclusive look at upcoming movies like “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” and “The Marvels.” Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige also confirmed the director for the new Fantastic Four movie. Another highlight came when Feige premiered the official trailer for “Echo,” a series centered on the superhero character of the same name.

Echo, who is also known as Maya Lopez (portrayed by Alaqua Cox), joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe in “Hawkeye.” The show’s ending left viewers wondering where Cox’s character will go next following her confrontation with Kingpin (Vincent D’Onofrio). Luckily for us, that question will be answered soon with the release of “Echo,” so here’s everything you need to know about the show before it premieres on Disney+.

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