Fans of Adonis Creed are eagerly awaiting the release of “Creed III,” the third installment in the Creed franchise. Starring Michael B. Jordan as the titular fighter, the movie follows Adonis’s life years after he defended his heavyweight championship title in “Creed II.” Tessa Thompson and Mila Davis-Kent also return as Adonis’s wife, Bianca Creed, and their daughter, Amara Creed. Jonathan Majors plays Damian, a man from Adonis’s past who hopes to train with the now-champion, but instead becomes more of a foe than a friend.
In a February interview with Moviefone, Jordan teased, “Have an open mind and an open heart, and buckle up because it’s a ride. Once we get started, I’ll see you in two hours and I’ll check in on you on how you feel.” Not only is Jordan starring in the film, but he is also making his directorial debut with “Creed III.” Unfortunately, the movie is only showing in theaters starting on March 3 and is not available for streaming.