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Ben Affleck’s Relationship With Daughter Violet: An Overview

Ben Affleck is a beloved actor in Hollywood, but he also plays the role of a dad to his daughter Violet. At a 2020 screening of his film “The Way Back,” Ben shared a funny story about Violet teasing him for his lack of texting and group chat skills. He said that she joked, “Why do they let you on this group chat? You don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t pretend you have any idea what’s going on.” Ben has also been embarrassed by Violet when it comes to his role as Batman in the 2017 “Justice League” film. He recalled her saying, “Dad, pick me up down the street.” Despite the occasional embarrassing moments, Ben’s parenting skills have been praised by his ex-wife Jennifer Garner who said that their kids are lucky to have him as a dad.

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