Seeing as Jennifer Lopez often gets hailed as a diva — and has been accused of unleashing full-blown tantrums — it’s unsurprising that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. In 2012, her son, Max, was filmed having a major tantrum in the middle of the street. He kicked and screamed, as his mom attempted to calm him down. The naughty youngster then ran off, before a security guard thankfully scooped him up. By all accounts, Max’s parents were accustomed to his bratty behavior. His dad, Marc Anthony, gave a TMI anecdote regarding his Machiavellian, not to mention expensive, antics. “He had an accident in the pool. It got into the filtration system and they charged us to clean it,” Anthony told Jay Leno (via the Daily Mail). “That was expensive. ‘He took a $6,000 dump in the pool!”
And years later, Max was still having public tantrums. Appearing on the red carpet with his mom and twin sister, Emme, to promote the film “Home” in 2015, the then 7-year-old scrunched up his little face and sobbed. His sister looked equally bored and moody but kept her cool, as she and mom J.Lo ignored Max’s outburst.
Chatting to Entertainment Tonight, Emme admitted that she’s become habituated to her brother’s troublesome behavior. “OK, so my brother … he’s crazy sometimes, he’s very loud in a good way of course, sometimes,” she divulged. “Yeah, so he’s a challenge to get along with ’cause he’s my brother.”