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An artificial intelligence-generated video featuring a fake mugshot of Justin Timberlake is circulating online

The Impact of AI on Celebrity ImagesAI technology is a growing concern that might lead to serious repercussions if not properly regulated by governments worldwide. Recently, popular singer Justin Timberlake found himself in a controversial situation after being arrested for DUI and photographed by the authorities. AI expert Edmond Yang took advantage of this situation by creating a video using artificial intelligence that portrays Justin Timberlake drinking beer during his mugshot. What makes this disturbing is that the video appears very realistic, causing a shock among Timberlake’s fans as they witness the convincing scene of him chugging a full pint of beer.

<div class="ue-c-article__media-caption-inner"><span class="ue-c-article__media-description">Fake AI-generated video of Justin Timberlake drinking beer like water shocks fans</span></div>

Have there been any public reactions from Justin Timberlake regarding this video?

As of now, there has been no public response from Justin Timberlake regarding this video. However, this is not the first instance where a celebrity’s image has been manipulated on the internet. The trend of deep fakes initially began with celebrities like Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, and Robin Williams, but with the advancements in AI technology, the issue has escalated. Celebrities and public figures are now at risk of being misrepresented not only in short videos but also in longer, more elaborate productions. The lack of governmental intervention could potentially lead to a chaotic situation.

Aside from the beer-drinking video, the AI expert also created another video of Justin Timberlake drinking from a bottle. Currently, only two videos are known to exist, but there is a possibility of more being produced in the future.


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