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David Harbour’s Surprising Encounter: Spotted on a Dating App by His Wife

David Harbour, caught by his wife on a dating app

In the whirlwind world of celebrity relationships, some couples manage to navigate the storm. One such couple, David Harbour and Lily Allen, appears to be facing a significant challenge. The singer recently uncovered what seems to be infidelity on Harbour’s part, leading to some distressing findings. Reports indicate that Harbour is on a dating app.

Allen’s suspicions had been escalating over recent months, prompting her to join the app herself. To keep her investigation under wraps, she created a fake identity. What she discovered was troubling; her husband was engaging with multiple women, and it wasn’t just innocent conversation.

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David Harbour discovered using a dating service

Although Lily Allen hasn’t finalized her decision about their marriage, indications suggest a separation may be imminent. Following these revelations, she has drastically reduced her public presence and withdrawn from her social media platforms, including Onlyfans. The next steps are in the hands of her music career.

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Seeking comfort in her close friends and family, the timing is especially sensitive as reports surfaced of David Harbour seen with another woman during a recent trip to India. Previously, his bond with Allen’s children was described as remarkable, and he had seemingly embraced his role as their stepfather.

The beginnings of Lily Allen and David Harbour’s relationship

Their relationship first sparked rumors after they were glimpsed together in London and later shared a date in New York City. In September 2020, David Harbour and Lily Allen tied the knot in a private ceremony in Las Vegas. Since then, both have shared insights about their partnership.


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