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Jennifer Garner’s Attempt to Mend Ben Affleck and JLo’s Troubled Union Before Their Divorce

Developments have surfaced regarding how Jennifer Garner aided her ex-spouse Ben Affleck during his challenging period involving Jennifer Lopez, leading up to their divorce.

A source told Page Six that Garner suggested that Ben should try to mend his relationship with JLo. Garner reportedly became friendly with Jennifer and maintained regular communication with her.

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“As things grew tense between Ben and Jennifer [Lopez], Jen was supportive and motivated Ben to persevere in the marriage,” mentioned the source.

Yet, although Garner is on good terms with Jennifer, she has not been in recent contact with her.

“Ultimately, her main concern is Ben’s happiness,” the insider added.

Garner and Affleck’s Ongoing Bond

Garner and Affleck parted ways after a decade of marriage in 2015. They are parents to three children: Violet, 18; Seraphina, 15; and Samuel, 12.

The family was seen together on Thanksgiving, where they collaborated with the Midnight Mission to provide meals for 2,000 individuals facing homelessness.

Affleck reportedly felt “blessed” to share time with his family, especially following Lopez filing for divorce on the second anniversary of their wedding in Georgia.

“Despite their long separation, Ben and Jen [Garner] share a comforting bond,” a source told Page Six.

Ben values his relationship with Jen, rooted in their extensive shared history and their roles as co-parents.

“Their connection will remain strong as they navigate co-parenting together,” the source concluded.


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