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Mariah Carey: A Rare Glimpse of Natural Beauty Without Makeup

The Rare Times We've Seen Mariah Carey Without Makeup

Mariah Carey, the iconic diva, typically keeps herself glam and camera-ready, making her makeup-free moments quite extraordinary and notable. Known for her stunning vocal range and obsession with her “good side,” she usually captivates audiences with her polished look at various events. However, Carey has occasionally embraced a more natural appearance, showcasing her beauty with minimal makeup.

For instance, in July 2022, Carey shared a relaxed photo on Instagram, displaying an easier and more laid-back version of her usual glamorous self. Dressed in purple cheetah-print pajamas, she confidently revealed her almost makeup-free face, with just a hint of pink lip gloss, blush, and perhaps BB cream. Still, she made sure to style her iconic hair into loose, flowing waves. Regardless of her look, she always manages to shine brightly!

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Furthermore, there have been instances where she has gone completely without makeup, revealing her breathtaking natural beauty.

Mariah Carey stripped back the glam on Instagram

Just like her ability to deliver stunning acoustic performances, Mariah Carey can effortlessly tone down her beauty regimen whenever she chooses. In March 2013, she posted a charming makeup-free selfie on Instagram, holding a stuffed baby lamb. This photo celebrated her natural glow, flaunting a fresh face without any makeup, aside from her nicely groomed eyebrows, which emphasized her naturally rosy complexion. Her hair was simply pulled back to showcase her effortless beauty.

Interestingly, Carey’s beauty routine isn’t as complex as one might think. Despite looking different without makeup, she maintains a minimalist approach. She has expressed her dislike for mascara, often refusing to wear it and insisting that makeup artists skip it. Carey’s preference for simplicity stems from wanting to keep her routine light, stating, “If you’re not wearing a lot of makeup, you don’t have to take a lot of it off,” reflecting her desire for a low-maintenance beauty regimen.


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