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Nina Westbrook: The Accomplished Wife of Russell Westbrook

Who Is Russell Westbrooks' Wife, Nina Westbrook?

Russell Westbrook, the renowned Los Angeles Clippers point guard, is a formidable player in the NBA. Joining the league in the 2022-23 season, he has had a distinguished career with several teams, including the Oklahoma City Thunder, Houston Rockets, Washington Wizards, Los Angeles Lakers, and Utah Jazz. Westbrook is known for his competitive spirit and numerous accolades, including multiple NBA All-Star Games and MVP titles.

In 2015, he married Nina Westbrook, a successful and educated entrepreneur known for her philanthropic work and media projects that have elevated her status beyond just being a basketball player’s wife.

Let’s delve into the life of Nina Westbrook, the accomplished partner of Russell Westbrook.

Nina Westbrook’s Athletic Background

Before marrying Russell, Nina Westbrook, formerly known as Nina Earl, excelled as a multi-sport athlete at Diamond Ranch High School in California. She particularly shone in basketball, leading her team to CIF title games and earning multiple MVP awards. Her skills landed her a scholarship at UCLA, where she became a key player for the women’s basketball team.

Despite her athletic success, a media incident at a UCLA game focused solely on her husband’s basketball past, overlooking her own career as a UCLA basketball star.

Meeting Russell Westbrook at UCLA

Nina and Russell crossed paths at UCLA, where both played basketball for the university teams. Their shared interest in the sport led to the start of their relationship in 2007, with a mutual admiration for each other’s skills and dedication on the court.

They reminisced about their early days as a couple, highlighting the fun and competitiveness of their relationship, even playing basketball against each other.

Competing on the Court

Nina and Russell shared their competitive nature through one-on-one basketball games. After Nina emerged victorious in their initial match, they decided to end their on-court rivalry. The couple’s shared love for the game became a bonding experience in their relationship.

Their bond extends beyond the basketball court, showcasing a partnership grounded in mutual respect and admiration for each other’s accomplishments.

Nina Westbrook shared about her competitiveness with her husband Russell in a game during an interview with “Access Hollywood.” She mentioned how she had to stop playing with him because he resorted to cheating to win. However, they have since learned to use their competitive spirits positively to work together towards common goals.

Unlike Russell Westbrook, Nina pursued a different career path after graduating from UCLA, focusing on psychology. She holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is a licensed therapist specializing in marriage and family counseling. Russell has previously admired her academic pursuits and her commitment to her career.

The couple’s wedding in 2015 was a glamorous affair at the Beverly Hills Hotel, attended by their friends and family, including NBA colleagues and other celebrities. Nina took Russell’s surname after the wedding, becoming Nina Westbrook. Over the years, Russell has appreciated Nina’s support and sacrifices as he pursued his NBA career.

Russell and Nina Westbrook are proud parents of three children. They welcomed their son Noah in 2017 and twin daughters Skye and Jordyn in 2018. Nina shared the challenges she faced during her high-risk pregnancy with the twins. Despite the difficulties, Nina finds joy and inspiration in motherhood, describing her children as sources of unconditional love and happiness.**Lessons on Patience**
Nina Westbrook highlights the importance of patience, emphasizing the need to avoid rushing success and being overly critical of oneself.

**Nina’s Venture into Children’s Retail**
Nina Westbrook transitioned from being a therapist to a children’s boutique owner with the launch of The Little Ark, followed by her sustainable children’s clothing line, Minibrook.

**Nina’s Focus on Mental Health**
In 2022, Nina launched Bene By Nina, an online platform concentrating on mental health strategies and wellness for Black women, aiming to raise awareness and provide self-care tools.

**Nina’s Conversation Game for Couples**
As an extension of Bene by Nina, Nina Westbrook developed Do Tell, a card game promoting vulnerability and deeper connections among players, drawing from her experience as a therapist.

Creating a Charitable Legacy

Russell and Nina Westbrook established the Why Not Foundation, focusing on empowering youth in at-risk communities and encouraging them to seize opportunities. Nina believes in promoting mental health awareness, a cause close to her heart. The foundation’s initiatives include providing computers to underprivileged children for online learning during the pandemic and launching the Russell Westbrook Why Not? Academy in Los Angeles in partnership with the L.A. Promise Fund. Nina and Russell are actively involved in overseeing the academy’s progress.

Navigating Online Harassment

Nina Westbrook faced online harassment from basketball fans criticizing her husband’s performance. She shared her struggles, expressing how the negativity and threats affected her and her family. Russell Westbrook supported his wife, highlighting the toll such attacks took on their well-being and how they shield their children from such toxicity. Nina emphasized the impact of such behavior on her kids, noting the importance of a supportive circle to navigate through such challenges.

Empowering Through Podcasting

Nina Westbrook leveraged her expertise as a family therapist to launch her podcast, “The Relationship Chronicles,” expanding her media reach beyond her Bene website. Drawing from her therapy background, she explores topics like love, relationships, parenting, and more with guests ranging from experts to celebrities. Nina’s podcast serves as a platform to delve into various aspects of relationships, drawing from her counseling experience and passion for helping people navigate complex relationship dynamics.


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