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OnlyFans Sensation Opens Up About Sleeping with 100 Men in Just One Day: “I Regret My Choices”

When news emerged about an OnlyFans influencer preparing to engage with 100 men in a single day, many expressed concern for her safety. Lily Phillips announced her audacious plan, seemingly unfazed by potential repercussions. Following her announcement, filmmaker Joshua Pieters reached out, eager to document her experience.

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A documentary released on December 7 on YouTube featured an emotional interview where the 23-year-old woman detailed her experience and expressed worries regarding her physical and mental health.

101 encounters in a London Airbnb

In the documentary, the camera follows the reporter into a room where the encounters occurred. The space was cluttered with remnants like used tissues and condom wrappers, and a rose lay on the bed. However, the unsettling odor of the room wasn’t captured on camera, making the crew uncomfortable.

Lily recounted a script she had to repeat for each encounter, greeting the men with phrases like “come in,” “make yourself at home,” and “let’s have a good time.”

As the questions from Josh began, she became emotional and revealed: “Surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt…” She reflected on the experience, comparing it to being akin to prostitution and voiced concerns over not being able to provide the men a fulfilling experience due to the time constraints.

“I feel guilty because many men did not finish”

One notable revelation was her feeling of “pressure” because some men did not reach climax. The documentary filmmaker remarked: “I didn’t expect to see Lily so distressed right after the event; perhaps in the future, she would reflect on it with regret, but not so soon.”

However, it seems the incident didn’t intimidate her, as the OnlyFans star quickly proposed another challenge to sleep with 1,000 men in a day. “I dreamed it up with my assistant. I’m thrilled about it… it’s a real challenge! Ideally, it should take place in a big warehouse with two entrances. Each may only last a few seconds, and then we’re off!” she expressed.


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