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“Remembering Bella Bradford: A Heartfelt Farewell from a Brave Influencer”

Many influencers have taken to social media to highlight their battles with cancer, including Bella Bradford. The 24-year-old American unfortunately passed away on October 15 after a struggle with advanced cancer. She shared her journey on TikTok and left a heartfelt message before her death.

Bella Bradford’s Last Message

In 2021, Bradford received a diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of cancer that forms in muscle tissue, which ultimately impacted her jaw. On TikTok, she produced content related to beauty, fashion, and her cancer experience, becoming particularly popular for her “Get Ready With Me” series, where she showcased her outfits. In her final “Get Ready With Me” video, which attracted over 6 million views, she delivered a poignant farewell message.

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She began her video with: “I wanted to do one last ‘Get Ready With Me’ because I love it and I love fashion. Thank you for being part of this enjoyable journey; I hope my videos have brought you joy whenever you needed it.”

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In addition to her video, her close friends shared a message she wrote before she passed: “I appreciate all the love and support I received during my final months; I am truly grateful. Making these videos provided me with a sense of purpose through my connection with a wonderful community.”

She finished her message with: “I wish you all a lovely life and encourage you to live each day meaningfully. Growing older is a privilege. I feel fulfilled sharing my life and passion for fashion on TikTok.”


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