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The Chilling Findings of Buddy Holly’s Autopsy Report

This content contains graphic details about severe injuries.

Over six decades after Buddy Holly’s untimely death, the tragedy still resonates deeply. Having passed away at just 22, his early exit from stardom has left many in mourning and pondering the potential of what could have been. Notably, the unsettling information within his autopsy report has contributed significantly to the sorrow surrounding his legacy.

The 1959 autopsy report details Holly’s extensive and horrific injuries. The coroner noted wounds on his face, along with broken ribs, arms, and legs. The chest injuries were severe enough to change its density, with the report stating its condition was soft. Most tragically, his head injuries were devastating, with significant bleeding from his ears and a severely damaged skull causing substantial loss of brain tissue.

Due to the severity of his injuries, it is poignant that he could only be identified through his fingerprints.

The plane crash report paints a grim picture

Buddy Holly, along with J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson and Ritchie Valens, were tragically involved in the same plane accident. All three artists, along with their pilot, Roger Peterson, lost their lives in the crash. The crash report revealed that they were thrown from the aircraft upon impact.

The accident is believed to have happened shortly after takeoff around 1 a.m., but it wasn’t until nearly 9:30 a.m. that the wreckage and victims were discovered, with no witnesses to the event since it occurred in an isolated region.

Investigation findings by the Civil Aeronautics Board indicated that the pilot proceeded with the flight despite being aware of potentially hazardous conditions that required instrument flying, a task he was not qualified to undertake. Compounding the tragedy, vital weather advisories were lacking from the briefing given to him. Ultimately, the investigation concluded that the pilot likely lost his bearings, leading to the aircraft crashing at high speed. As we reflect on this tragedy 66 years later, we hold in our thoughts Holly, Richardson, Valens, and the families of all involved.


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