Tonia Haddix, known as the “Dolly Parton of chimps,” became notorious through the HBO documentary “Chimp Crazy.” Raising exotic animals, especially a well-known chimp named Tonka, she found herself in a series of controversies, including accusations of neglect and a scandal involving falsely claiming Tonka had died. Despite her legal battles, Haddix proudly identifies as a “chimp mom.”
Haddix previously showcased her ownership of several primates, including Tonka, until investigations revealed she did not meet proper care standards. Cases of deception arose when it was discovered that Tonka was actually alive despite her claims. In her defense, she argued the documentary misrepresented her reality, alleging that it focused on a narrative that painted her negatively. She expressed her frustration, claiming many positive aspects of her care for the animals were omitted.
While the chimps have been removed from her custody, Haddix remains active in the exotic animal community. She currently manages a petting zoo with her husband and continues to engage in the business of exotic animals, demonstrating her commitment to this controversial lifestyle, provided she can avoid serving jail time.
Tonia Haddix continues to deal with exotic animals
Despite being deemed incompetent in animal care, Tonia Haddix remains deeply involved in the exotic animal industry. As of December 2024, she retains an Animal Welfare Act (AWA) license, allowing her to trade animals and operate a zoo. Her social media reflects ongoing transactions of exotic animals alongside her husband at the Sunrise Beach Safari Zoo in Missouri, where visitors can interact with various animals.
Nonetheless, PETA has not been silent regarding Haddix’s actions. They have called for her AWA license to be revoked, alleging perjury for her false claims about Tonka’s death. PETA is also seeking legal action to recover significant legal fees incurred in the attempts to hold Haddix accountable.
Haddix, however, is not backing down easily. She expresses her commitment to safe-keeping Tonka and confronting PETA, highlighting her determination to protect the chimp from what she describes as PETA’s malicious intent.