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The Story of Mama June’s Late Daughter Anna’s Two Kids

What Happened To Mama June's Late Daughter Anna's Two Kids?

The following article includes mention of physical abuse.

After Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell’s passing in late 2023, her two daughters, 11-year-old Kaitlyn and 8-year-old Kylee Cardwell, were left behind. Unfortunately, the sisters were separated as Kaitlyn was taken into custody by Chickadee’s mother, “Mama June” Shannon, while Kylee stayed with her father, Michael Cardwell.

Following Chickadee’s death, a custody battle emerged. Michael sought custody of both girls, leading to a legal dispute over Kaitlyn’s custody. Shannon was eventually granted emergency custody of Kaitlyn despite the ongoing challenges.

The Ongoing Custody Battle Over Kaitlyn

Despite Shannon gaining emergency custody in January 2024, the conflict with Michael regarding Kaitlyn’s custody continued. Shannon made serious allegations of physical abuse against Michael in response to his custody attempts, sparking a contentious legal battle.

As of June 2024, Kaitlyn remains under Shannon’s care, with limited contact between the two sisters and their respective guardians.

If you or someone you know is facing domestic abuse, support is available through the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

A Heartbreaking Situation for Kaitlyn and Kylee

The separation of the sisters amid the custody battle has added to the tragedy of losing their mother. Family members have expressed the emotional toll this situation has taken on the children involved.

Efforts have been made to reunite the girls, but limited visits have occurred since Chickadee’s passing. Shannon acknowledges the heartbreaking nature of the situation and hopes for a resolution that benefits both girls in the future.


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