As the new year begins, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry enjoyed a relaxing beach day. During this time, the Duchess of Sussex not only wrote “2025” in the sand but also made a big comeback on social media. In the latter half of 2024, she focused on launching her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, which some speculate resembles Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Magnolia brand. Nevertheless, Meghan’s latest Instagram video carries a deeper significance that extends beyond merely promoting her brand.
In her latest Instagram video, the Duchess, dressed in white with flowing hair, playfully enjoyed the beach. She exudes joy and freedom, potentially signaling that she is embracing a new phase in her life beyond the need for perfection. After hinting at a social media comeback in 2022, her slow return allowed time for healing from the challenges of stepping back from royal duties. Now, having settled into her life in California, Meghan seems ready to share her authentic, relaxed self and tease upcoming projects.