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Cher and David Geffen’s Long-Lasting Professional and Personal Relationship.

He even offered to pay for her lawyer fees. Ultimately, the two remained close friends until Geffen’s death in 2020.

In 1973, Cher and David Geffen met at a nightclub and quickly hit it off. Geffen soon discovered that Cher was in a tumultuous relationship with Sonny Bono, and revealed to her that he had sexual encounters with men. Geffen was so taken with Cher that he told his therapist the next day that he thought he was in love with her. Despite Geffen later coming out as gay, Cher shared that she was the first person to share his bed and life. The two remained close friends until Geffen’s death in 2020, and during their relationship Geffen stepped in to help Cher out of her legal drama with Bono, even offering to pay for her lawyer fees.

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