Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premiered in 2019, wrapping up the sequel trilogy directed by J.J. Abrams. Despite a mixed response regarding its hurried storyline and unanswered questions, the film managed to cross the $1 billion mark in global earnings. A significant part of this achievement stemmed from the comprehensive marketing efforts by Disney and Lucasfilm. Interestingly, many promotional designs were never released, including several unused poster concepts.
Recently, some of these posters have come to light through Star Wars Curated, showcasing various creative avenues explored during the marketing phase. Each design reflects the beloved aesthetic of the series, merging sci-fi elements with nostalgic references to its history.
The array of unused posters includes minimalist designs that emphasize symbolic features, such as lightsabers and starry backdrops, as well as character-focused visuals highlighting Kylo Ren, Rey, and other principal characters. Some of the artwork even alludes to themes or conflicts that were not fully realized in the final film, inviting speculation about alternative narratives.
For fans who were let down by the film’s delivery, these unused designs evoke a sense of the potential The Rise of Skywalker held for a more thematically cohesive conclusion. On the other hand, art lovers can appreciate the creative artistry dedicated to establishing a captivating visual presence for the film, even if many of these ideas never made it to the screen.
The most notable aspect is the difference between the discarded and finalized posters; the former often exhibit a darker and more enigmatic aesthetic, contrasting sharply with the latter’s mass-market appeal.
As a lifelong admirer of the Star Wars saga, exploring these unused designs evokes a mix of excitement and nostalgia. The artworks are striking and suggest intriguing storylines that could have unfolded in the film. The minimalist options, in particular, seem to echo a more targeted marketing strategy that highlighted the saga’s monumental conclusion. While The Rise of Skywalker didn’t resonate with everyone, these visuals serve as a testament to the substantial creative work behind the scenes.
Which of these alternative posters from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker do you find most appealing, and how do you think they might have influenced the film’s reception?