When discussing the idea of a sequel, Rebecca Ferguson emphatically stated, “No! Stop that. Come on!” She expressed her reluctance to return to the role, emphasizing her wish to preserve the integrity of the character and the story, rather than risking a subpar follow-up.
Released in 2017, The Greatest Showman tells the tale of PT Barnum (played by Hugh Jackman) as he rises from humble beginnings to fame by assembling a diverse group of performers to form an innovative circus. Ferguson portrays Jenny Lind, a famous opera singer who plays a crucial role in Barnum’s performance, ultimately affecting both his career and personal life. The film’s tremendous success has ignited fan interest in a potential sequel.
Despite the buzz surrounding a potential sequel, Ferguson has expressed her disinterest. In an interview with Collider, she stated, “Sometimes things should just be left — also because I’d be jealous. I feel like my character was kind of cast aside. I’ll come back as a juggler.” This reflects her commitment to maintaining the story’s integrity rather than potentially diluting its success with a sequel.

Thoughts on the Matter: Ferguson’s hesitation to return to Jenny Lind is understandable. The film achieved its success through an exceptional mix of music, dance, and storytelling, and creating a sequel without strong justification could undermine the original’s impact. Moreover, her concerns about being typecast as Jenny Lind are quite valid and highlight a common worry for many actors.
Do you believe Rebecca Ferguson’s choice to pass on a sequel is a sensible one? Why or why not?
The Greatest Showman | Official HD Trailer #2 | 2017
IN CINEMAS BOXING DAY “The Greatest Showman” is a bold and original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and the sense of wonder we feel when dreams come to life. Inspired by the ambition and imagination of P.T.