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Rob Lowe’s Controversial 1989 Oscars Performance: The Details

Rob Lowe’s opening of the 61st Academy Awards show was met with such disappointment from Hollywood bigwigs that they wrote a formal letter expressing their displeasure. The letter read, ″The 61st Academy Awards show was an embarrassment to both the Academy and the entire motion picture industry. It is neither fitting nor acceptable that the best work in motion pictures be acknowledged in such a demeaning fashion.″ Disney was so outraged that they even sued the Academy, but eventually dropped the lawsuit after the Academy issued an apology. Lowe himself has since found humor in the situation, joking during an interview with The New York Times, ″It’s fitting and proper that we continue to honor the dark and tragic event that befell our nation 30 years later. I’m particularly looking forward to the candlelight vigils.″

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