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Rob Lowe’s Life Changes After He Achieves Sobriety.

As the years passed, Rob Lowe became dependent on alcohol, drinking day in and day out. This lifestyle eventually led him to hit rock bottom at the young age of 26. However, the 1988 sex tape scandal that had a negative impact on his career ultimately helped him find his way. In 2019, Lowe declared that the tape was “the best thing that ever happened to me … because it got me sober,” during his one-man show “Stories I Only Tell My Friends: LIVE!”

Two years after the tape, Lowe had a life-altering experience. After a night of partying, he received a panicked message from his mother, Barbara Helper. She informed him that his grandfather had suffered a heart attack and begged him to pick up the phone, but he didn’t. Lowe recalled looking in the mirror and thinking he needed to drink from a bottle of Cuervo Gold in order to go to sleep and deal with the situation. This was the moment he realized that this was no way to live and he went to rehab 48 hours later. Since then, Rob Lowe has completely turned his life around.

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