Although Colin Farrell and Elizabeth Taylor are two huge Hollywood names, they never met on a film set or on the red carpet. In “Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit and Glamour of an Icon,” author Kate Anderson Brewer revealed that the actors met at a hospital in Los Angeles in 2009 (via Page Six). Farrell was there for the birth of his son, Henry Tadeusz Farrell, while Taylor was at the hospital for a heart procedure. After their encounter, Farrell arranged to meet Taylor privately at her home, where he read poetry by Yeats to the screen queen who was 40+ years his senior. Brewer wrote in the biography that after their meeting, Taylor wrote to Farrell, “What a pleasure it was to meet you. And thank God … you really are a true Celt. You remind me of so many good things … so many happy things. Thank you for being so real.”
Their friendship continued throughout the years they did not have a physically romantic relationship. During a visit on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Farrell revealed that over the course of their almost two-year relationship, he had feelings for her. “It feels like in my head — not her, I’m projecting, the last romantic relationship I had, which was never consummated … I just adored her. She was a spectacular, spectacular woman.”
He later added, “I wanted to be number eight but we ran out of road.” Years after her death, Farrell’s love for Taylor has never faded, and he continues to honor her.