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The Most Notable Actor Couples in Hollywood History

Anjelica Huston and Jack Nicholson began a passionate yet tumultuous romance in 1973. Despite her strong feelings for him, Huston was desperate to marry her long-term partner, only to be met with a harsh rejection. She later revealed in her memoir, “Watch Me”, that she “wept all the way back to L.A. and sobbed for three more days after that.” Nicholson was unfaithful throughout their relationship, which he openly admitted in an interview with Vanity Fair. His affair with Rebecca Broussard resulted in a pregnancy, causing Huston great pain as she was unable to conceive. Nicholson revealed to Parade (via HuffPost) that a furious Huston confronted him on the set of one of his movies, saying “Anjelica can punch!” After almost 20 years, the couple ultimately split in 1989. Friends have since expressed their worries that Nicholson will die alone.

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