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Tucker Carlson’s On-Set Behavior

Tucker Carlson's On-Set Behavior

It’s not just Carlson’s history of being sexist that is known to be offensive. The show’s hosts, Fox News’ Mika and the network’s share the responsibility for the behavior, according to The New York Times. In an article published on October 15, 2018, Times reporters spoke with women who had worked on Carlson’s show who described how the host sexually assaulted them.

It’s not just Carlson’s history of being sexist that is known to be offensive. The show’s hosts, Fox News’ Mika and the network’s share the responsibility for the behavior, according to The New York Times. In an article published on October 15, 2018, Times reporters spoke with women who had worked on Carlson’s show who described how the host sexually assaulted them.

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Tucker Carlson is a well-known media figure. Media Matters has compiled a video of his past comments about women, including describing them as “primitive” and “dogs.” It is clear that Carlson’s comments were not just made for entertainment value, but they were alsolettered for years on his show, Fox News. It is also clear that the network was not alone in their handling of the situation. Abby Grossberg, a former Fox News producer, is suing Carlson and the network for alleged sexism she faced, according to Insider. Grossberg worked as a news producer for both Carlson’s show and Maria Bartiromo. The producer allege that other executive producers at the network referred to Bartiromo using derogatory terms such as “menopausal” and a “crazy b**ch.

The shady behavior didn’t end there. Grossberg she claims that when she joined Carlson’s team, she was surrounded by sexist behavior. The lawsuit claims, “In these discussions, no woman, whether she was a Republican politician or a female staffer at Fox News, was safe from suddenly becoming the target of sexist, demeaning comments, such as being called a ‘c**t.”

tucker carlsons on set behavior (via Primetweets)

Tucker Carlson’s history of exhibiting sexist behavior is well documented. Media Matters, a progressive media watchdog, compiled a video of past comments made by Carlson about women, including describing them as “primitive” and “dogs,” among other things. Unfortunately, Carlson’s sexist behavior reportedly extended to behind the scenes of his show.

Abby Grossberg, a former Fox News producer, is suing Carlson and the network for alleged sexism she faced while working there, according to Insider. Grossberg worked as a news producer for both Carlson’s show and Maria Bartiromo’s. The producer alleges that other executive producers at the network referred to Bartiromo using derogatory terms such as “menopausal” and a “crazy b**ch.

The shady behavior didn’t end there. Grossberg she claims that when she joined Carlson’s team in 2022, she was surrounded by sexist behavior. The lawsuit claims, “[Grossberg] was shocked to be greeted by many large and blown-up photographs of Nancy Pelosi in a plunging bathing suit revealing her cleavage.” Allegedly, the work environment was filled with misogyny as staffers openly debated which female guests were more “f***able.” Grossberg claimed, “In these discussions, no woman, whether she was a Republican politician or a female staffer at Fox News, was safe from suddenly becoming the target of sexist, demeaning comments, such as being called a ‘c**t.'”


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